36 Simple Approaches to Support your Body (during health recovery, chelation and detoxification)

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Feel Good
36 Simple Approaches to Support your Body (during health recovery, chelation and detoxification)

Health recovery is grueling non-stop hard labor for your body.…

When to Remove your Mercury Dental Fillings

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Feel Good
When to Remove your Mercury Dental Fillings

The level of mercury vapor and mercury contaminated particles released while removing a mercury dental filling vastly exceed established safety limits and if tested would require that everyone be evacuated.…

Heavy Metal Toxicity – Why you need to know more – Where to get more information

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Feel Good
Heavy Metal Toxicity - Why you need to know more - Where to get more information

Wouldn’t it be a shame if your medical conditions were the result of heavy metal or other toxicity, and doctors were only treating the medical condition without ever considering, testing or treating the poisonous cause.…

The Healing Guidance of Cravings

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Feel Good
The Healing Guidance of Cravings

One of the ways your body talks to you is with cravings.…

Four Surprising Ways to Control, Manage or Remove Pain (while also encouraging full recovery and healing)

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Feel Good
Four Surprising Ways to Control, Manage or Remove Pain (while also encouraging full recovery and healing)

Nothing stops time better than pain.…

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