Cleaning the sugar slate in my body to get sugar sober revealed who I was and how I was functioning at levels I didn’t originally enlist myself to discover. Some of what I saw was embarrassing. Like how I preferred to commit my crimes standing, rather than sit down where I would have had to admit I was messed up.…
Sugar Addict, Sugar Addiction – Weight Loss No. 27

You know you are addicted when you eliminate your “drug” of choice and it feels like something is missing, life just isn’t “as good” without it, you trouble with staying present during activities and conversations because your mind strays to orchestrating your next “fix”.…
What are you hungry for? – Weight Loss No. 26

When you eat, and you know your body doesn’t need fuel, what is it you are feeding?…
Hunger, Hungry, Ravenous – Weight Loss No. 25

Being hungry is like being hypnotized by a little food demon who removes your self-control and every cell of common sense.…
Get Moving (Part III) – Weight Loss No. 24

Get moving, and be sure to drive towards your weight loss finish line as you drive your car.…
Get Moving (Part II) – Weight Loss No. 23

What do you want your body to look like when you cross your weight loss finish line?…
Get Moving (Part I) – Weight Loss No. 22

A lot of people would criticize me for having a series of weight loss articles and only addressing exercise for the first time many months after its debut, but I happen to believe this is not late at all.…
Push “Pause” (Part II) – Weight Loss No. 21

Hit your pause button again because I have two more simple questions (question 3 and 4) on offer to generate your next leap forward.…
Push “Pause” (Part 1) – Weight Loss No. 20

Have you ever noticed the participants and the self-care stations along the route of a “fun run”?…
See + Believe = Change (Weight Loss No. 19)

My mom called me up one afternoon, very proud to announce she had just purchased the book I had fervently recommended years earlier.…