The only way I was ever safe from looking as if I had the mosquito bite measles, was if I was protected in beekeeper style attire AND stayed indoors after dusk. If you, a loved one or friend knows the same fate then keep reading.
Each morning at meal time I would give my mom the daily counts of mosquito bites for each arm and leg, lower AND upper limb. My daily ritual drove her as loopy as the itching did me. She simply didn’t want to know, and didn’t think it was a big deal. And frankly how could she have understood?…. For every 100 welt like bites I got, she might on the rare occasion get one small one. My dad on the other hand, got eaten alive just like me. And I think it was his first hand experience which sparked his hero’s journey to find me a natural solution. He simply wanted me to know what a summer in the mountains was like without being covered in mosquito bites, and without being loony from the itching. After a few weeks his quest unearthed what seemed to be a solution that was too good to be true – Take Vitamin B1 Thiamin. If this simple natural option worked, then why didn’t anyone know about it? I truly had nothing to lose in teaming with my dad to do a summer experiment because nothing else worked – not the bug sprays nor the post bite antidotes.
My summer departure for the mountains was less than a month away so he got me a bottle of B1 50 mg tablets instantly. It was the summer of 1985 and I was 14 years old. He explained that our experiment was only as good as was my commitment to take B1 in the morning and in the evening EVERY single day, without fail, until I left and throughout the summer. If B1 proved effective then I would have the strategy and secret ally for the rest of my life.
He checked in regularly for updates. First week – no mosquito bites. Second week nothing. I wasn’t dressing like a beekeeper, not using any ineffective bug spray, wasn’t praying for wind, wasn’t staying indoors and wasn’t standing on the smoky side of the campfire. Not a bite all summer. It may have been the best summer I ever had because it was the first summer I was really free. No special clothes, no itching, no scratching, no sleepless nights, no frustrating days, no more ineffective antidotes, no more discolored skin spots and no scars.
What he unearthed was not just a gem, it was thee Natural Sparkling Diamond Mosquito Solution. From then forward B1 Thiamin was my forever strategy and secret ally.
B1 proved that I didn’t need to change what was on the outside,
I needed to give my body something that would allow it to change on the inside
B1 Thiamin gives your body what it needs to protect itself against mosquitoes naturally, from the inside. Will it work for you? Quite possibly yes and below are the insights necessary for the best chance of success. It is worth a try? Absolutely.
Mosquito Bite Prevention
The B1 Thiamin Solution (Oral B1 ONLY)
B1 is water soluble, the body takes and uses what it needs and quickly excretes excess in the urine. There is little or no known risk of toxicity nor toxic build-up when taken orally. However, thiamin by injection can potentially cause a fatal allergic reaction.
Begin taking B1 Thiamin 2-3 weeks prior to mosquito season and exposures
50-100 mg of B1 Thiamin 2-3x/day (with food or on an empty stomach)
Results are better if you take 50-100 mg 2-3x a day rather than taking a big dose once a day
✦ If you are taking a B-complex, the thiamin supplementation must be in ADDITION to the B complex, not subtracted from it.
✦ You want the plain B1 Thiamin (nothing else added) – Just B1. The B1 you want will be the cheapest option and you will find it at every store that sells supplements. Fancy expensive “converted” and “activated” forms of B1 may NOT produce the desired outcome. You want plain B1.
✦ I strongly suggest you get the 50 mg size because it will provide you the ability to play with increments of 50mg of B1 to determine which is your personal best dose and frequency. How does your body respond to 50 mg 2x/day versus 100 mg 2x/day? Maybe you do better with 50 mg 3x/day.
✦ Avoid yeast based Thiamin (the label may indicate “natural thiamin” and/or “brewer’s yeast”).
Important Considerations (for you and loved ones)
♥ How severe is your attraction and reaction to mosquitoes?
♥ Do mosquito bites typically cover your body or are they only a minor inconvenience?
♥ How big/small is your physical body?
♥ How sensitive is your body to supplements, herbs and medications? Do you typically need more, or less?
I weigh 120 pounds and take 50-100mg 2x/day 2-3 weeks before exposures and during mosquito season. My body is extremely sensitive to mosquito bites, while my body is also hyper responsive to supplements, herbs and medications.
If I am unexpectedly bitten bad I will take higher than normal doses to help my body neutralize and heal the bites quickly. But more than 400mg of B1 a day and my stomach acid secretion increases, my appetite soars and it is only a matter of time before I have heartburn. Then suddenly I am taking more calcium and/or magnesium to counterbalance and offset the heartburn. I prefer prevention over “fixing”, but problems are not always foreseeable.
I share my experience, but my body’s responses are totally UNIQUE. You may be able to take 400mg four times a day without anything but positive results.
Pay close attention to everything – body function, symptoms, signs of improvement, signs of imbalance and adjust accordingly.
Your body, conditions and life are more unique than your fingerprint. I encourage you to go to printed books and medical database references to verify how B1 might interact with any current health conditions, medication or supplements you may be taking.
When Your Body is Already Mosquito Bite Central
Prevention is better than repairing a bitten body state, but sometimes it is impossible to know in advance that mosquitoes will be a problem. Or maybe you are only just now learning about this strategy.
If you already have bites and are looking for a remedy then:
1. Have a think about what your best normal dose would be by considering the questions I have asked in the section above – body size, sensitivities, how many bites.. etc.
2. Try taking what you believe would be a correct and normal dose for 1-2 days. Is the body responding favorably? Does the itching subside within 24 hours? Did the red swelling subside within 2 days?
3. If there is no improvement in the first 24-48 hours to what you estimate to be the right amount for your body then double the frequency. For example: If you took 50 mg two times (morning and night) then take the 50 mg four times throughout the day – morning, midday, afternoon and before bed. Higher initial amounts load the body which jump starts and mobilizes a reversal of the crisis.
The right dose will eliminate the itching in about 24-48 hours, will decrease the red inflamed welts in 3-4 days and will ultimately leave you with NO trace of discolored skin from the bite.
Once the crisis body bitten state has returned to calm, then play around and experiment with the amount and frequency to determine what is personally appropriate (enough to do the job, not more). More is not better, it just creates new imbalances and new problems.
My best dose was enough to prevent mosquito bites, but not so much that my appetite soared or that I had heartburn from the increased stomach acid secretion. My upper threshold symptom was the hunger and heartburn, but your upper threshold symptom may be elbow pain or urinary changes or a strange taste in your mouth.
The best dose for you is what produces the desired outcome(s) with little or no push-back. Adjust accordingly, and as needed.
B1’s Success Rate
For more than 35 years I have used my B1 Thiamin Mosquito Solution successfully most of the time. My hypotheses about why B1 was ineffective at times include:
- The mosquitoes are not the same in all geographic locations
- My exposures and body were not functioning the same way in other locations
- I had always kept the same preventative dose without experimenting. I would likely have made B1 more effective by being curious in adjusting dosage and frequency.
Pets & Animals (Mosquito, Flea and Insect Sensitivities)
Animals often suffer terribly from insect sensitivities. Some may even harbor a serious skin lesion that no longer even resembles the simple bite from which it all began.
Does your pet have a severe reaction to mosquito bites? Fleas? Or other insects? B1 may be the solution for them too. This is vaguely mentioned in The Doctors Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia by Hendler M.D. on page 53.
The dose for your pet MUST be body size appropriate. I would use an extremely conservative dose such as ¼ to ½ a milligram of B1 thiamin per pound, two times a day as a starting point. My cat weighs 10 pounds, if I was treating her I would use my microgram scale to precisely measure out 3-5 mg of B1 in the morning and again in the evening. I would keep a very close eye on her (eating habits, litter box eliminations, behaviors, moods, purging, scratching and so forth). I would consider taking photos of the bites or lesions each day to compare. I would adjust accordingly, up or down, at every single step of the way based on what I was observing.
Microgram Scale Demonstration (3 min youtube video)
In the section above I offer the strategy of using “loading doses”. Do not use loading doses for your pets and animals (it is unnecessary and risky).
In closing, B1 Thiamin is a safe solution that works with your body’s inherent biology and nature. It is extremely inexpensive (average price is $5.99 for a bottle of 250 100 mg capsules) and comes without the risks associated with chemical, dermal and inhaled repellents and antidotes which further burden the body.
I hope the B1 Thiamin Mosquito Solution becomes your secret ally to better appreciate and experience the Great Outdoors!
Krista Umgelter
P.S. Below I am including additional reference book information about B1 Thiamin. So keep reading if you want to learn more.
Additional Reference Book Information about B1 Thiamin
Your body’s negative reaction to mosquito bites may be the sign that your body needs more B1. Taking more B1 for mosquito bites may alleviate other conditions you didn’t realize were related to your body’s lack of B1 or its need for higher amounts of B1. Keep in mind also that your body may respond extremely favorably to B1 without the body showing any of the signs of B1 deficiency listed below. (Heads-Up: Self-diagnosis with vague symptoms, like the ones mentioned below, is an easy trap to fall into).
Signs and Symptoms your body may need more B1
Loss of appetite
Weight loss, emaciation
Nausea, vomiting
Fatigue, weakness, muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, sore muscles
Nervous system problems
Low hydrochloric acid
Clouded thinking
Sluggish bowel, constipation
Intestinal disturbances
Lack of coordination
Mental and/or emotional depression
Memory problems, mental confusion, forgetfulness, delirium
Involuntary eye movement
Numb or burning in hands and feet
Decreased pain tolerance
Shortness of breath
Heart changes, Rapid heart rate
Muscle weakness and wasting
Edema (fluid retention) – legs, extremities (hands and/or feet)
Enlarged liver, heart or other organs
BeriBeri – a nervous system disorder
A-Z Guide to Drug-Herb-Vitamin Interactions by the Healthnotes Medical Team – Page 313
“Certain medicines interact with vitamin B1:
Loop diuretics (page 159)
Oral Contraceptives (page 198)
Stavudine (page 244)
Tricyclic Antidepressants (page 270)”
A-Z Guide to Drug-Herb-Vitamin Interactions by the Healthnotes Medical Team
The Doctor’s Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals by Mary Dan Eades, MD – Page 108-109
“Functions in the body – Thiamine functions in your body as a required coenzyme or helper molecule in the metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, and fat for energy production. You also need this vitamin to be able to produce the copies of genetic material that must pass from one cell to another when cells divide – an activity that all living cells must regularly do. Thiamine is a key player in the conversion of fatty acids into steroid hormones such as cortisol and progesterone. Healthy skin also depends on sufficient amounts of this vitamin. Like other B vitamins, there is indication that thiamine plays a role in our ability to resist disease. And finally, thiamine is necessary for proper transmission of electrical nerve signals.”
“Interactions – Adequate magnesium is necessary to convert thiamine into its active form. Sugar, alcohol and tobacco consumption deplete your thiamine stores. Tea leaves and raw fish contain an enzyme (thiaminase) that can destroy thiamine. Cooking or boiling inactivates the enzyme: therefore cooked fish or boiled tea leaves do not present a problem in contributing to thiamine deficiency, but beware of too much sushi. It is believed that heavy tea and coffee drinkers may have symptoms of nervous disorders associated with thiamine deficiency, but have either failed to seek help or have been misdiagnosed. Schizophrenics tend to have low levels of thiamine. One survey of psychiatric patients showed 30% of patients to be deficient in thiamine, although only one patient showed clinical symptoms of deficiency. Thiamine is often used in combination with other B vitamins to treat various emotional and psychiatric illnesses.”
“Recommended Usage – The DRI for vitamins B1 is 1.5 mg for men and women and 1.7 mg for pregnant and lactating women. However, in treating specific deficiency states, orthomolecular physicians (those practitioners who specialize in treating diseases with large doses of vitamins) prescribe doses of 500 to 6000 mg per day without consequence. Increased need occurs in illnesses with fever because of the increased rate of metabolism associated with higher body temperature.”
The Doctor’s Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals by Mary Dan Eades, MD
A to Z Guide to Supplements by Balch M.D. and Balch C.N.C. – page 33-34
“Thiamine enhances circulation and assists in blood formation, carbohydrate metabolism and the production of hydrochloric acid, which is important for proper digestion. Thiamine also optimizes cognitive activity and brain function. It has a positive effect on energy, growth, normal appetite, and learning capacity, and is needed for muscle tone of the intestines, stomach, and heart. Thiamine also acts as an antioxidant, protecting the body from the degenerative effects of aging, alcohol consumption, and smoking.”
Antibiotics, sulfa drugs and oral contraceptives may decrease thiamine levels in the body. A high-carbohydrate diet increases the need for thiamine.”
A to Z Guide to Supplements by Balch M.D. and Balch C.N.C.
The Doctors’ Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia by Hendler M.D. Ph.D. – Page 49-
“There are probably more adults deficient in this vitamin than any other. That is true in most developed countries for one reason – the high rate of alcoholism. Alcohol interferes with all nutrients but especially with thiamin, vitamin B1.”
“Thiamin plays a major role in the conversion of blood sugar (glucose) into biological energy. It is involved in some key metabolic reactions, in nervous tissue, in the heart, in the formation of red blood cells and in the maintenance of smooth and skeletal muscle.”
“Thiamin deficiency is known as Beriberi (from the Singhalese language meaning extreme weakness). “Dry” Beriberi occurs when the deficiency affects the nervous system, producing symptoms of mental confusion, visual disturbances, paralysis of some of the eye muscles, staggering gait, foot drop and decreased sensation in the feet and legs. “Wet” Beriberi involves the heart and circulatory systems. The most extreme manifestation of Wet Beriberi is Shoshin Beriberi. Shoshin is Japanese for damage to the heart which is characterized by severe heart failure due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the blood, a condition that, if not promptly treated, leads to death 100 percent of the time.”
“In addition to alcoholics, the very young and the elderly with grossly unbalanced diets are also at higher risk of having thiamin deficiencies sufficient to produce symptoms of Beriberi.”
“Claims – Positive:
- Protects against metabolic imbalances caused by alcohol
- Beneficial in the treatment of heart disease
- Useful in neurological disorders
- Helpful in the treatment of anemia
- Capable of detoxifying lead
- Improves mental ability and IQ
- Helps control diabetes
- Protects against sudden unexplained death syndrome (SUDS)
- Useful in the treatment of herpes and other infections
- Repels fleas and other insects”
The Doctors’ Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia” by Hendler M.D. Ph.D.
The Essential Guide to Vitamins and Minerals by Somer – Page 44
“Vitamin B1 deficiency occurs primarily in people who consume a diet comprised mainly of highly refined foods. For example, vitamin B1 deficiency can develop during fasting, chronic dieting, or when a person consumes a limited variety or amount of food. The tannins in tea also inhibit vitamin B1 absorption, so repeatedly drinking tea with meals might result in vitamin B1 deficiency.”
The Essential Guide to Vitamins and Minerals by Somer
Another extremely valuable resource to know about and use. Not just for finding many links regarding B1 Thiamin but for checking out other supplements. The National Institute of Health – office of dietary supplements.